Category: July Gift Exchange

  • handmade gift exchange

    Handmade Gift Exchange Sign Ups Summer 2015

    Looking for a fun way to start your Summer?? Join the Handmade Gift Exchange! This exchange gives you the opportunity to MEET a fellow crafter and the perfect EXCUSE to get your craft on! There is no skill or cost Read More…

  • 2014 Summer Handmade Gift Exchange Gifts

    Remember the Handmade Gift Exchange I host twice a year? Well, we are highlighting some of the awesome handmade gifts from the most recent exchange, the Summer 2014 Handmade Gift Exchange! {want to join in the fun next time? Click Read More…

  • Handmade Gift Exchange gift features {Part 1}

    it’s finally friday! woot!! my favorite day of the week, and i’m moving today {yes, again. more on that later.} but in the midst of the chaos over here, i am slowly making may way around the Handmade Gift Exchange Read More…

  • Christmas in July Gift Exchange UPDATE

    {if you signed up for the exchange PLEASE read this important post.} Thanks to everyone that signed up for the Christmas in July Gift Exchanges. There’s over 200 bloggers participating in this go-round. yay! It’s going to be so much Read More…

  • Christmas in July INTERNATIONAL Gift Exchange

    This is the International Gift Exchange Post. If you are looking for the United States Gift Exchange, click here. Sign up has CLOSED. There’s nothing better than making and receiving handmade gifts. Hands down, handmade gifts are my favorite! So Read More…