Category: my two cents

  • fabric selvage

    What to do with Selvage?

    selvage. or the finished edge of fabric that is usually cut off and discarded. that seems like a waste of good fabric to me! so this past summer, i started saving my fabric selvages. {fabric hoarder? yes. crazy? maybe.} and Read More…

  • Contributors? i need your input!

    i sincerely care about what you ladies think and i have listened to your great advice in the past {did you notice  i took off the ad in my header?!} and so i wanted to get your input on having Read More…

  • if you were stranded on an island….

    and could take only ONE crafting tool, what would it be? i was faced with this dilemma while we were in between houses last month patiently waiting to move into our new home….ok, i exaggerated. i was allotted one BOX Read More…

  • my hair’s newest friend

    i seem to go through hair dryers like they’re going out of style. {heaven forbid we stop using these amazing little contraptions!} this is my latest one and i’m kinda giddy about how cute it is. all of my previous Read More…

  • Dapperhouse shoutout

    it always touches my heart when i hear about the kind deeds that others do. so i have to share what Jenifer over at Dapperhouse did. when she heard that a couple bloggers had not received a gift from their Read More…